Throughout your lifetime there are many stages you go through with regard to Condo ownership. Each period has its own unique insurance need, and careful consideration should be given to having the right policy terms and coverage for each period.
A growing need while acquiring items and personal possession, ability to increase values as required. There can also be a specific requirement for additional family members.
Provide for necessary replacement of property updated to the current replacement cost, emergency replacement of accommodations, and automatic inflationary increases.
Downsizing, so there is no longer a need to replace much of the acquired family belongings. You should have the option of loss settlement based on your choice of either replacement of needed items, but a cash settlement (at replacement cost value) on those items is no longer needed.
Gwilliames & Associates has insurance programs to meet every need and stage. We can also enhance your coverage to include many additional personal use items such as:
- Higher limits on Jewelry and collectibles
- Cottages
- Boats
- Identity theft
- Club affiliation
- Directors and officers legal liability.
Our Staff use several methods to ensure that adequate insurance limits are determined. Thus guaranteeing your insurance coverage is proper.
- Independent property evaluations
- Cost evaluations based on your homes features
- Inventory booklets – allowing you to list your belongings based on purchase price.