Many people now choose the life style offered through Condominium Ownership. Condos offer freedom from many of the maintenance items and property upkeep associated with that of other owned properties. Condos, however, have their own unique requirements for insurance based on the group ownership of common property and the risks of multi family occupancy.
The Condo Corporation or Co-operative is usually tasked with insuring the whole property as known to them or under their control. The unit you own is your own responsibility. Any improvements to the unit, personal effects and furnishing should be insured under an appropriate Condominium Policy.
Gwilliames & Associates offers a multitude of plans geared to meet your individual needs. Our Staff use several methods to ensure that adequate insurance limits are determined. Thus guaranteeing your insurance coverage is proper.
- Independent property evaluations
- Cost evaluations based on your homes features
- Inventory booklets – allowing you to list your belongings based on purchase price.
We verify specific exposures to:
Alternative Heating
Hertiage Homes
High Value Homes
Multi Properties
Excess Liability
Non Commercial Directors & Officers Liability
Coverage Includes:
- The contents of your unit and/or on site storage unit
- Loss assessment coverage for loses involving common areas.
- Contingent coverage protection should the Condo Corporation’s coverage be inadequate
- World wide Personal liability coverage
Premiums can be discounted for:
- Multi policy discounts
- Seniors
- Claims free
- Loyalty (renewal)
- Central station alarms, 24 hour security guards.
Tenant Insurance Information
There are those who choose to rent a home rather than own, many for a lifetime, others as an interim step. The need to provide insurance protection is even more important due to your assuming legal responsibility for the property you rent. You also have a responsibility to other tenants should you damage their property, along with an increased risk from others causing damage to your property.
All our packages cover non owned residences rented by you for personal occupancy.
Coverage Includes:
- Contents of your apartment or rental dwelling
- Any improvements or betterments you make to the property
- World wide personal liability coverage
- Other properties, boats, watercraft or PWC can be added.
Premiums can be discounted for:
- Multi policy discounts
- Seniors
- Claims free
- Loyalty (renewal)
- Central station alarms, 24 hour security guards.